Download Bored and Brilliant - PDF - EPUB - KINDLE - TXT Free
Bored and Brilliant pdf/epub/kindle/txt ebooks By:Manoush Zomorodi Published on 2017-09-05 by St. Martin's Press Download |Bored and Brilliant shows the fascinating side of boredom. Manoush Zomorodi investigates cutting-edge research as well as compelling (and often funny) real-life examples to demonstrate that boredom is actually a crucial tool for making our lives happier, more productive, and more creative. What’s more, the book is crammed with practical exercises for anyone who wants to reclaim the power of spacing out – deleting the Two Dots app, for instance, or having a photo-free day, or taking a 'fakecation'.| —Gretchen Rubin, author of #1 New York Times Bestseller The Happiness Project |Bored and Brilliant is full of easy steps to make each day more effective and every life more intentional. Manoush’s mix of personal stories, neuroscience, and data will convince you that boredom is actually a gift.| —Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit and Smarter, Faster...